Updating Drop Rock part 1 – some background

Back in the early 1990s, one of the games I wrote and sold through Soft Rock Software was called Drop Rock. I’ve recently decided to look at the game and see what I can do to update it and give it a new lease of life on newer RISC OS computers. I’ve also decided to write about the changes as I go, but before embarking on that here’s a little background on the game itself.

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Updating the RISCOSitory website theme

Early in December, I decided the time had come to give the RISCOSitory website a fresh lick of paint. For reasons that I’ll explain below, I opted to use this blog as a test site. This resulted in sometimes frequent changes to how the site appeared to potential visitors (and it was occasionally not working at all), and at least one person noticed and asked me what I was doing. I replied, and also put up a quick explanation, with a promise to put up a more detailed one once…

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Calm down, dear, it’s just a computer

The iPad has finally hit the UK, having officially gone on sale on 28th May, 2010 and, not entirely surprisingly, Apple fans queued up to get one as soon as they possibly could – some even beginning the queueing process the day before. My first thoughts upon reading that news at the time? Get a bloody life. It’s just a computer, FFS! (A point with which Apple fans might argue, but that’s their prerogative – and I’d hold that they’d be wrong!) There was a time when I considered Apple…

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