How do, and all that. My name is Vince M. Hudd, aka VinceH (and variations according to need), and I’m an aspiring writer who lives in Bristol, England, where I run a small business called Soft Rock Software. I have unpublished short stories littered across the hard drives of a number of unloved computers, hiding in the loft and in cupboards, and which probably don’t work any more anyway. I always have at least one attempt at a novel on the go, and I occasionally write silly little rhymes that usually, until recently, got discarded – now they’re more likely to end up here, but don’t worry: it doesn’t happen often, and I’m not a Vogon, anyway.
The business was originally set up in 1989 (more than half my lifetime ago!) with the intention of writing and selling computer software by night, while I worked full time during the day for a firm of chartered accountants, but I eventually left the accountants and began to run the business on a full time basis, where the focus soon shifted from computer software to accounting support work and programming became a mainly background task.

Occasional dabblings into other areas have taken place throughout the long history of my business, but the bottom line has always been that people like to give me money to do accounting work for them. Apparently, I know what I’m doing with a pile of paperwork and a spreadsheet or an accounts package, which is probably why.
For entertainment, I like nothing better than to sit down and watch science fiction and horror films and TV shows, read a good book, listen to some music, or head off into the middle of nowhere with my camera and some sarnies. I also like to confuse people by giving them the benefit of a sense of humour that nobody really understands, although they do sometimes try (bless). My politics can vary – it depends whether whoever is in power is doing something that I agree with, and whether whoever isn’t in power is saying something I agree with – and I have been a firm a[nti]theist all my life (yes, even as a child).