A quick (but sadly small) money saving tip. Possibly.

There’s a silly little thing I do, more out of a form of laziness than anything else, but which I realised recently may actually be saving me a small amount of electricity, and therefore money – and thinking about it, I realised could probably save even more (though still not a huge amount). I’ll start with the tip itself, and you can then read my rambling explanation after. There are three basic points:

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The UK government’s energy ‘discount’ and repayment (updated)

This post was updated on 18th April, 2022 with a section added at the end. The cost of heating our homes, cooking our food, and generally powering the things we use is increasing. It isn’t just increasing in the way we’re used to, though, it’s increasing dramatically – the main driving factor being the wholesale price of gas, which as well as itself being supplied to many homes, is also heavily used in the generation of electricity.

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Twitterings – January 2022

Although VinceH’s Miscellany was set up as a blog, using popular blogging software, I don’t tend to use it as much as I probably should. I do have a bunch of partly written text/html files that could be finished off and turned into posts (including more possible entries in the Tales from the Pandumbic series), and I should do that, as that’s why I started writing them in the first place – but the truth is, I tend to concentrate on other things.

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Go on then, give us a Twirl

On Christmas Day (such a long time ago now), Rick Murray posted a video on his blog in which he opened up and tried some Cadbury chocolates – specifically, Double Deckers, Picnics, and Twirls. The first two of those are, in my book, adequate bars of chocolate, and not something I buy or eat very often. Twirls, on the other hand, I buy regularly. Probably a bit too regularly to be honest – along with a few others. I like Twirls.

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Updating the RISCOSitory website theme

Early in December, I decided the time had come to give the RISCOSitory website a fresh lick of paint. For reasons that I’ll explain below, I opted to use this blog as a test site. This resulted in sometimes frequent changes to how the site appeared to potential visitors (and it was occasionally not working at all), and at least one person noticed and asked me what I was doing. I replied, and also put up a quick explanation, with a promise to put up a more detailed one once…

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The changing face of VinceH(.com)

This post has been prompted by an email I’ve received – I’ve replied directly, but it’s worth commenting here as well in case anybody else is wondering the same thing. The question was what on Earth is going on with this site, because it keeps changing appearance? It’s been happening a lot over the last week or two – sometimes quite a few times in rapid succession in a short space of time, then staying as is for ages, then another round of changes, and so on. And the short…

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The live/drunk tweet-along from Eurovision 2021

Although I’ve been watching Eurovision since 2014 and commenting on Twitter as the evening progresses – both tasks aided with a supply of cider and snacks – I’ve only once pulled my comments off Twitter and turned them into a blog post, in 2017. Although, to be fair, in either 2018 or 2019 I didn’t make it through the entire show online because I hit a Twitter limit and was unable to post after that point, and in 2020 rain coronavirus stopped play. So, really, I’ve only not done this…

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This living Earth- a science fiction failure from school

As a long-time fan of Gary Numan, I’m eagerly awaiting the arrival of his next album, Intruder, which is due for release this month. Intruder is a follow-up to his last album, the excellent Savage (Songs from a Broken World), in a more connected way than it simply being his next release; it looks at the same subject matter as Savage, but from a different point of view.

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