How to improve the game of football

There seems to be a bit of excitement in the air at the moment surrounding a tournament involving the game of football (or soccer to any Overpuddlian readers). With that in mind, I decided it would be a good idea to resurrect something I wrote about two years ago – this tournament thingummy makes it actually topical! I originally posted this as a Facebook ‘note’ – but here it is in all its glory:

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General Election 2010 and the Pound

The outcome of the 2010 general election, a hung parliament, had an understandable effect on the value of Sterling. The negotiations between the Liberal Democrat party and Labour and Conservative parties is also having an effect. The latest news I read before choosing to type this is that theĀ  talks between the Liberal Democrats and the Labour party were now closed, but that they were continuing between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives – and with that latest news it also became apparent that the Pound had gained slightly against…

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General Election 2010: Hung Parliament

On the morning of 7th May 2010 we can see that the result of yesterday’s general election in the UK is a hung parliament, with no individual party gaining an overall majority of seats. What does this mean? Well, as a fully paid up (as in taxes) member of the British public, I’ll tell you exactly what I think it means: It must surely mean that the voting public wants exactly what it voted for: a hung parliament – in other words, quite literally for all MPs to be hanged…

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A short walk on Christmas Day

Fuck Christmas

As anyone who knows me is aware, I’m not a particularly big fan of Christmas – which really means I can’t stand it – for a number of reasons, which chiefly involve me hating it as a religious festival because I’m an atheist, and hating the commercial aspects (specifically the buying and giving of gifts) because… well, let’s just say I think Charles Dickens probably had access to a time machine, and actually based the character Ebenezer Scrooge on me. This year, I decided the best way to avoid Christmas Day itself was to pop over to The Brecon Beacons for a nice little walk.

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Tips – well, one tip, anyway – for driving in snow.

The view from my window this morning was of a small white covering on everything: snow. This isn’t deep snow I’m talking about – there was only about an inch of it, judging by the flat, undisturbed surfaces in my garden – but upon seeing it my first thought was “Oh no.” People who drive in and around Bristol can’t cope with small amounts of snow. If only three snowflakes fall, and even those three are nothing more than a rumour, then traffic becomes slow: this seems to have happened…

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