When I was a wee lad, I had a small but growing comic collection, but it never survived a house move. Around the same time, I had a collection of toy cars. That survived the move, but didn’t make it through another. Older still, I had a collection of Star Wars comics – but I’ve never known its fate, because it just vanished with no explanation.
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A quick (but sadly small) money saving tip. Possibly.
There’s a silly little thing I do, more out of a form of laziness than anything else, but which I realised recently may actually be saving me a small amount of electricity, and therefore money – and thinking about it, I realised could probably save even more (though still not a huge amount). I’ll start with the tip itself, and you can then read my rambling explanation after. There are three basic points:
Read MoreMissing in action? Nah, been a bit busy, mate
Busy, that is, not working – but looking for work. Last September, my main client (i.e. my main source of income) let me go after 22 years service. This was inevitable; I anticipated it after the company was taken over at the end of 2020, and was even planning to leave under my own steam, but at a slightly later point – so they beat me to the punch.
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