Price negotiable; infection possible This second tale should arguably have been the first – it predates by a couple of weeks my trip to the shop in which I spotted the one handed shopper, but I’d completely forgotten all about it until, looking back through my comments on Twitter to find something else, I found this tweet, and it all came flooding back.
Search Results for: tales from the pandumbic
Tales from the pandumbic – part 1
The tale of the one handed shopper I shouldn’t need to explain the background to this post in any great detail other than to use the word “pandemic” – unless you’ve spent the last few months trapped at the bottom of a well with no access to news, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
Missing in action? Nah, been a bit busy, mate
Busy, that is, not working – but looking for work. Last September, my main client (i.e. my main source of income) let me go after 22 years service. This was inevitable; I anticipated it after the company was taken over at the end of 2020, and was even planning to leave under my own steam, but at a slightly later point – so they beat me to the punch.
Twitterings – January 2022
Although VinceH’s Miscellany was set up as a blog, using popular blogging software, I don’t tend to use it as much as I probably should. I do have a bunch of partly written text/html files that could be finished off and turned into posts (including more possible entries in the Tales from the Pandumbic series), and I should do that, as that’s why I started writing them in the first place – but the truth is, I tend to concentrate on other things.