The iPad has finally hit the UK, having officially gone on sale on 28th May, 2010 and, not entirely surprisingly, Apple fans queued up to get one as soon as they possibly could – some even beginning the queueing process the day before. My first thoughts upon reading that news at the time? Get a bloody life. It’s just a computer, FFS! (A point with which Apple fans might argue, but that’s their prerogative – and I’d hold that they’d be wrong!) There was a time when I considered Apple…
Read MoreMonth: May 2010
It’s Everybody Draw Mu, Ham and Meds Day!
So here’s my offering: I did also consider drawing ‘my ham and eggs’. But I didn’t have any.
Read MoreSpotify Open – it’s about bloody time
I like music and I have a music collection which, while probably not particularly large by many people’s standards, is certainly larger than the average person’s. As such, I’ve known about Spotify for quite a while and it’s a concept which has definite appeal to me. A streaming music source; you connect, you listen – a bit like a radio station, except that there is one very important distinction: you choose your own playlist. What’s not to like?
Read MoreGeneral Election 2010 and the Pound
The outcome of the 2010 general election, a hung parliament, had an understandable effect on the value of Sterling. The negotiations between the Liberal Democrat party and Labour and Conservative parties is also having an effect. The latest news I read before choosing to type this is that theĀ talks between the Liberal Democrats and the Labour party were now closed, but that they were continuing between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives – and with that latest news it also became apparent that the Pound had gained slightly against…
Read MoreGeneral Election 2010: Hung Parliament
On the morning of 7th May 2010 we can see that the result of yesterday’s general election in the UK is a hung parliament, with no individual party gaining an overall majority of seats. What does this mean? Well, as a fully paid up (as in taxes) member of the British public, I’ll tell you exactly what I think it means: It must surely mean that the voting public wants exactly what it voted for: a hung parliament – in other words, quite literally for all MPs to be hanged…
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